Sunday, September 18, 2016
Ouija Board....the Talking Board of Evil?
Ouija Boards, pretty and a wonderful tool or is it?
Ouija Boards were invented in the long line of talking tables and Victorian fascination with the dead and the Spiritual Revival.
There is no doubt that there is the 'other side'. There is no doubt that there is a wonderful part of the unknown that we have yet to completely understand. Tools keep evolving. Looks and presentation become a must. Hollywood jumps on board and we have a tool of evil. Fears are placed into our minds.
I am going to be incredibly unpopular with this particular blog, but this is 20+ years of being in the Occult with 90% of it spent working in/owning an Occult Store. First and foremost, let me explain something about myself. I believe in the unknown. I do. I do not think that every bump in the night is a ghost or every ghost is a demon. In fact, I am a skeptic first. I try to resolve everything prior to having faith. I do not know why. It is my way. If you say you are psychic, I have zero trust in that until I see it and can preclude any other explanation for the event I saw. When you say you are 99% correct, I have to question your technique. reader should ask you a question prior to reading. That is a dead giveaway. They should never try to manipulate you out of information during the reading. That is also a dead giveaway. A true psychic and tarot reader can simply throw the cards and come up with details that they have no way of knowing. The rests are frauds or reading your face. Those that think that they expose frauds are usually hiding what they do not want you to ask of them. That is why I do not out anyone by name...just by description that includes the entire sect of the community. We have such a telephone book listing of 'psychics' and 'spell casters' that we have become a joke at this point.
Ouija Boards are the same. I have heard all the myths, all the scary stories (even from my mom) but I wanted to look deeper into this. The Ouija. Oui-Ja (yes/yes).
There are differing opinions on the board's powers and where they come from. Some say it is you. Ideosyncratic Response from the brain causing the answers to come from you. To answer the self. Or perhaps to make you the portal to which the board works. Some say it is actually the spirit world using the board as the portal. Perhaps the planchette is the portal.
Let's break it down shall we?
You focus all of your energy/energies into your finger tips. We know that the fingers are like a wand. After all, a wand as a magickal tool is nothing more than the extension of your fingers and an object in which to focus upon and direct. Your finger tips are placed on the planchette, not the board. So in essence, it is the planchette that becomes the portal, not the board. The board is a tool...a map for the planchette to travel to give you the answers you seek. So let's right here stop and realize, the board itself has NOTHING to do with this. It is the Planchette. Therefore, it is the tool to regard with respect and caution. Whew, glad to clear this up.
Next the spirits that come through. Yes, all kinds can come through. I use to tell people do not give the board any power or fear. YOU are in charge of the portal. Remember? It is through your fingertips that the portal has the energy, thus the power, to open. It requires it to remain open. Can something escape? Well, this is sticky and a bit of a blurred area. I think that if you are fearful of that, you have allowed that to be an option. What do I mean? Well, I have never had anything escape any portal doing any experimental or actual ritual work. NONE. Even as a baby occultist. Why would I be so lucky? How can I be an exception? Easy. I am not. I was trained from the very get go to never practice if scared. I had to adhere to the holy trinity of law: No Fear, No Doubt, No Guilt. So if I thought for a moment that I was going to be scared of something happening, I either did not proceed with doing it or I took extra precautions to put my monkey mind at rest. Thus, I did not create the option for something to escape. I was in control and my rules were to be followed. You see, I HAVE the energy to create such a connection...meaning IT needed me to come through. That makes me the greater energy. As such, my house, my rules. Simple. I have never been questioned nor challenged in any situation, including exorcisms. No Fear. I have No Doubt in myself. And I do not do anything I would feel Guilt for.
I have seen people release things into their houses. The first question is: Did you perform some evocation? Ritual? Ouija? Seance? Call forth ANYTHING? Followed immediately by: Were you scared? Did you have doubts in yourself? Did you allow yourself to be frightened? Lastly: Did you research what you doing first? Like more than Google? More than A book? Usually....those questions above are 95% of what went wrong.
Next, the Ouija. It is cute. It is. I find it quaint and I find it amusing. I do not find it to be an authority nor absolute. I use to tell people: Using a Ouija Board to ask advice is like calling 7-11's payphone and asking whoever answered the phone all your spiritual questions and advice. You might get a Sage, you might get a Fool. Either way, you do not know which one you got.
So, I give the advice that I gave to many over the last 20+ years....
Play with the Ouija but understand, it might not be truthful.
If you are scared, go to a movie instead of playing with the Ouija.
If you are doubtful of your ability to maintain control with just words but not scared, play the board inside a magickal circle that was cast with protection or a salt circle.
If you are worried about how to close the board. Do not be. The board is not the portal. Focus on the planchette. Remove your fingers and dip in a bowl of salt water to disconnect yourself, thus taking the energy from the portal. Then, for good measure, either store the planchette in salt or simply cleanse it with the salt water you have.
A story I liked to repeat at the end of the advice:
A couple once were playing the Ouija. They had contacted a small boy who passed on as a child. They talked to him over many nights. Always being told that the spirit felt safe and comfortable with them. That the boy had a bond now with them. An affection. They enjoyed the boy and enjoyed their talks. All the talks of his childhood, his time frame, his interests. They shared theirs.
One night, the woman asked the boy: "When did you die?" The planchette went to 1-8-9-2. The woman apologized if this was sensitive information. She had held off asking anything that might bring pain to the boy. The planchette went to No. She then asked when were you born, hoping to discover an exact age and zodiac. The planchette went to 1-9-0-5. Confused, the woman asked...:"You were born after you died?" The planchette went wild all over the board in panic and went silent. The boy never did return.
Friday, September 16, 2016
Daemonology..the first of many blogs
Daemonology by Jymie Darling
Now, what I am known outwardly for is Alchemy and the Transmutation of all aspects of Alchemy. However, there is a little known area that I am considered one of the experts on and I do not really promote that too much, Daemonology.
I use to be incredibly proud of this. The decades I had experience with hauntings that would be considered Daemonic started when I was around 9 years old and continued. Now, not all hauntings are Daemonic. Not by far. I seem to be drawn, or perhaps they are drawn to me, to really core frightening experiences. I have written some on this blog:
Spadra…tonight’s adventure by Jymie Darling
The Haunting of Utica Ave…part 1
The Haunting on Utica Ave…part 2
Haunting on Utica Finale by Jymie Darling
I have also written about that which was just a haunting. Some were just a haunting and another was quite vicious, but still just a haunting. I thought it was the interesting and since it had greatly influenced me as a child, I began a lifetime of aggressive pursuit in study. Then in time, I became fluent in almost every philosophy the idea of daemonology. Why do I say every philosophy? Easy, each and every religion has a type of spirit that could be considered a daemon.
Then one day, a film crew approached us in Panpipes Magickal Marketplace about asking some questions about selling one's soul to the devil. Seems that they are making a film, like a documentary about selling one's soul. They had held a open call asking for someone willing to do so, found someone (Kai Blackwood) and hit a wall. I advised on the film both in front and behind the camera after being the only person that they could find that was fluent in this area of study. We settled on Goetia. You can see the film on Youtube
Touching the Goetia ended in a mass breakdown of everyone's life for almost a year, including mine. It took me over 3 years to recover from it and I still have the hell of the stalkers that cannot let go of me and I still receive emails daily asking to help them do the same. I think that is why I draw the mentally unstable, the vicious for no reason, the ugly of the soul and those stuck in the mire to me in my personal life (although, this year, I have cleansed myself of that and just hand with my friends and the crazy that is horse people). I should learn that when people say "run from that person" both in the horse world and the occult world, that I should run from that person.
I distanced myself from that area of study. Then the TV shows began. All the ghost investigation shows (I have to admit, I never watched a single show) that all screamed Demons. It is a DEMON INFESTATION!! I started getting emails again. A dear friend, Serenity, asked me to come onto a show and do an interview about this. I agreed. I stepped back into the shadows with the Daemons.
As I explained in the show, if they had seriously come across a daemon infestation, they would never be able to do another episode the following week. That they were in no way educated enough to deal with it. Finally, the way they dealt with it would have had them killed or infested themselves. You see, there are different daemons for each philosophy. If you deal with them the same way, such as yelling the Lord's Prayer at a a Sumerian Daemon, you will accomplish NOTHING except getting hurt. There is a format to deal with each one. Sumerian gets a Sumerian "exorcism". A Sumerian that was perverted to the Christian faith has become a separate daemon altogether and therefore, a Christian ceremony. Native American daemons (each tribe having their own set) gets a Native American ceremony (to that tribe).
So I wrote a small booklet on Daemonology and I followed it up with a how to investigate.
I was invited last year to a Paracon in Utah where I spoke about it and I have been invited to return again this year. So, if you are in Utah and want to talk Demons with me, you can find me at the Utah Paranormal Convention and you can hang with me at this convention and pick my brain on Daemonolgy, Alchemy, Tarot, Occult, Transmutation, Qabala or just come and view my collection that puts the whole Annabelle doll to shame!!!
I hope to be filming my talk at the convention for my YouTube channel and I will post here as a follow-up when I arrive home.
For those who wish to hunt and investigate the true paranormal, when you actually find that 1% that is actually a Daemon infestation, either follow the rules of how to handle them, or run and find an expert. There is a series of studies, questions, formats, research and more on how to actually go about a true daemonic haunting and someone with the fortitude to handle some of the most mind-bending visuals that you have ever come across. You also need to know when to call a possession a mental illness or a drug addiction problem or perhaps a physical problem such as lead poisoning from the paint in an older house.
You also have to work through the fact that people can carry daemons with them and you have to figure out whether it was the darkness of themselves that drew that towards them, or if it was something they called by messing around in the occult or if it is their inner demons manifesting as outer Daemons.
Daemonology is not an hour long show nor is it a year long study nor a simple blog. It is a lifetime of constant research and a few decades of study to be able to handle this completely.
And if you ever need a question answered, feel free...I am always here, studying and researching everyday of my life. And yes, I will begin writing blogs upon Daemonology now as well as Alchemy. In fact, I will begin more blogs on teachings when I have the good days where I can write. The more I seclude myself from the outside world and only see my horse, the more I can function and focus on writing.
The outside world and the human race scare me more than any daemon from the nine gates. (which reminds me...if anyone saw the 9th Gate electronic promo, I was in it and I was in the extras on the DVD on the film Mirrors with K. Sutherland).
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Transmutation, the ideal magickal working
Transmutation, the ideal magickal working
Jymie Darling, Alchemist
Alchemy, this is a word that is overused and over abused in today's world. Why? Because no one really knows what it means. Alchemy is more than pretty smells. Alchemy is more than understanding the philosophy of the greater unfolding of the self as presented by Jung and the use of symbolism with any Tree of Life. Alchemy is transformation in the sense that it is transmuted into something more, something different. It is the action of changing or the state of being changed into another form. Into something completely and entirely different.
When we apply it to the blending of oils, we are talking about creating a perfect elixir where the singular components stop existing in the scent and they become one to create a different form of magickal elixir. For instance, if not blended correctly, one can pick out each and every oil used in that blend. However, if planetary perfection is heeded to while mixing, one can catch tones but not the blend. When one can take herbs, resins and oils and create an elixir that transports a person's energy to the intended blending, that is transmutation. It took me over 10 years to learn the perfection of this art, luckily, I owned the Nation's Oldest Occult store, Panpipes Magickal Marketplace and could work day in and day out all week, every week, for 10 years. I now continue to do so at Babylon Gardens Apothecary.
Unfolding the Self
When we apply it to the self, we are talking about the unfolding of the self. Getting rid of the baggage that we carry that is not ours. That little voice that says "you are not good enough", "you must compare yourself to others to feel better", "you will never succeed", "i am only who i am to how others see me". Some of these might just be yours, some of these are what others handed to you for you to carry as your own. These people could be your parents (or whatever relative took you on), your peers, society, bullies, television, social media, etc. Whichever they might be, they are not yours to carry. You have been carrying them for so long, you might not even realize, this is not your baggage. You need to open up each suitcase and examine if it belongs to you. If it does not, dump it. If it does, we need to reorganize, cull down and learn to create something awesome from the suitcase instead of something vile and ugly that we project on a daily basis.
However, if the suitcase is a mental illness, please seek medical attention. This type of unfolding may be too intense for the unbalanced, especially paranoia. This is not a cure for mental illnesses.
The Tree of Life is the easiest format to chart your unfolding out. Now, Qabala is the most easiest explained, however, each and every philosophy can be placed upon the Tree of Life and the Qabalistic names substituted for your philosophy. I wrote a treatise on how to. This little gem is a treatise that explains the Qabala foundations. The treatise includes several tree philosophies into the the working of the tree in the language of the Qabala. The treatise also creates a simple to follow way to work the paths for the rebuilding of the self while embracing your shadows so that they become constructive rather than destructive. Gyms will only get you so far in this life, what is the soul of the person matters most in the bigger scheme of universe. After all, we are simply just vehicles holding the energy and wisdom of the true self.
Each path is broken down into a simple foundation of the workings and understandings of each lesson one must learn while unfolding the self as well as creating the energy vortex for creation. When one finds this creation, one never needs to worry about the mundane bickering of those who are mired in muck. Remember, those that choose to focus on you are taking away from focusing on themselves and thus, remain mired in the manure of their own making.
This is a great introduction to the Great Work of the Self or you can find a hard copy soon on my website.
Food Alchemy
When you start to create the self and you create the elixir that you wear for the energy, you must never forget to also create from inside as well. When we eat, we provide the body energy. This energy is also what we push forward in our life. Why not start controlling it? Planets are just as important in food and in preparation of food and in the meal. Let me offer an example:
My family use to gather for holidays (most are now deceased). My mom (RIP) and my grandmother (RIP) never got along. NEVER. My aunt and my mom never got along. My cousin and I never get along. So I started an experiment without their knowledge. I volunteered to make the dinners. I used meals that were made with Moon (peace and calming) and Venus (love and happiness). They got along. They even remarked about their surprise on how they got along. I stopped making the dinners. The fights erupted almost immediately. I looked at what was being made, Mars (passion and war) and Mercury (communications). Oh boy. Explained everything.
Now, when I do something for guests, or for my own need of energy, I watch the alchemy I place into my food. After all, when you eat, you transmute the food into the energy that you are going to use. I work closely with Alchemy Confections for catering when I need to and for the planetary cupcakes that I use for a daily work need. A Sun (success, money) mini cupcake with a Jupiter (prosperity, health) combined with a beautiful Mercury (communications) drink...and here I am writing semi understandable (wink) a blog that will help you become the Kethor, Xeper, Brilliance, Philosopher's Stone....YOU.
Good night and be a better you, by doing so, you are helping the universe not creating the problem.
Friday, September 9, 2016
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Practical Alchemy
Practical Alchemy, slightly differing from Personal Alchemy, is a format of math, botany and magick.
In the truest form, it is the exact definition of the science and art blending seamlessly. I like to think of it as the science behind the art. It allows everyone to dip into both sides of the brain.
Let us lay down the basics of this magick.
First and foremost, oils. The kind matter, the type matter and the process matters.
Cold Pressed
Although pressing and grinding produces heat through friction, the temperature must not rise above 120°F (49°C) for any oil to be considered cold pressed. Cold pressed oils are produced at even lower temperatures. Cold pressed oils retain all of their flavor, aroma, and nutritional value.
What does that mean for us in the Pagan Community? It means that not only is the scent stronger, giving us a greater reaction, but the value of the magick is also retained.
If we move to hot process we lose value. Taking something and boiling it also dissipates the value.
Scented oils are awesome. They smell incredible. Problem is, they are manufactured. Chemicals. Not only do they have no value magickally, when mixed with real oils, the entire blend is corrupted.
Scents belong in perfume. Very pretty, no value.
Essential Oils
This definition plays fast and loose. One drop of frankincense oil into a carrier oil such as Balsalm or Hemp or Apricot Kernal and legally it can be called Frankincense Pure Essential.
What is worse, is when someone says shelf life. That means they either have a scent in it or they placing it in a carrier oil that rots. Oils do not go off. In the 20+ years, I have never had a true essential rot.
Where it comes from
This literally means, where in the world was it harvested from. Why? Because we need to look at the weather and how it is grown, when is harvested, and how it was harvested
All the above can change the factors of assigned planets and cross planetary matching.
The planets give us the elements, thus giving us full meaning and complete aspecting.
Oh, excuse the typos, I am on my phone and do my best to catch them. Obviously, I am not a creative writer, but a teacher instead.
Art and Science of Alchemy
The art and science of blending. What is that? I mean blending of oils are easy, right? Not too sure about that. I see and hear how people come up with blends and the smell is...well...less than desirable.
Blending for a scent is not enough. That is a perfume with a beautiful scent and absolutely NO energy nor magick behind it. A ton of the books for blending, show the recipes for the blends but they are alchemically incorrect.
Let me explain, you see the planets matter, the elements matter, the parts matter. Names for the blends are irrelevant to it all. Truly is. I can call it Whamabamabanana and it makes no difference to the energy that it attracts. If it is done wrong alchemically, it is wrong energy.
First and foremost, we need a great understanding of the planets and the magick that create and the energy that they involve. Then you have to break it down to the cross planets, then understand how they weave, choose the ingredients (and do all the research on what EACH one does as explained in Practical Alchemy). Then you have to figure out the parts to which ingredient. Do the math and then hope for the best, have an eraser ready.
Sounds confusing, it really is not. What it is, is a lost art form of the science of true Alchemy.
Sun - success, money, overcoming obstacles, purification, protection - Fire
Moon - peace, tranquility, exorcism, protection via water, mental health, sleep - Water
Mars - war, protection via fire, surgery, blood letting, passion - Fire
Mercury - artistry, psychic awareness, communication, road opener, psychic opening - Air
Jupiter - protection via air, prosperity, physical health - Air
Venus - love, happiness, friendship, magnetic attraction - Earth
Saturn - lust, debauchery, hexing, domination, binding - Earth
Each of the definitions of the above planets are not in each oil that is of that planet. Sometimes it is only one of the definitions. Take for example Peppermint. Peppermint is a cross between Jupiter/Venus. Jupiter is health, prosperity (not protection) and for Venus it is only the magnetic attraction (not love).
Let's do it like this:
What do I want? (bullet format please)
Success, Movement, Happiness and Health with regards to Roo (my angel faced horse). One item at a time, do not try to fix your whole life in one elixir!!!
So...break it down...
Success - Sun
Movement - Mercury/Sun
Happiness - Venus
Health - Jupiter
Now I have to stop and make sure that I do not have an extreme opposition. What does that mean? No fire vs water. That is the only one we have to worry about right this moment. And the answer is No.
Next step is research your ingredients...I am going to go with this (since I do this on a daily basis for 20+ years).
Frankincense (Oman) - Jupiter/Sun
Almond sweet - Mercury/Jupiter
Lemon - Sun/Venus
Now...can I mix those? I have to have something in common. So Lemon has Sun/Venus. Frankincense has Sun/Jupiter. Sun is in common. So those to are a go. Almond has Mercury/Jupiter. Lemon has Sun/Venus. Nothing in common. BUT...Frankincense has Sun/Jupiter. Jupiter is in common and Frankincense is the joint oil that allows Lemon and Almond to go together. Without it, the two oils would not work magickally together with each other. EVER. Might smell energy and no real property to it. The Frankincense is the TRANSMUTATION oil for the two.
So now, I have to figure how much of each oil goes into the blend. For that I must decide what is the most important goal. I choose Jupiter (health). Why? Well, I want a healthy horse and I want to be healthy and stay in health with the boy.
1 part Frankincense Jupiter/Sun
2 parts Almond, Sweet Mercury/Jupiter
1 part Lemon Sun/Venus
Is that right? I have no clue until I finish with my math. That is why the eraser might come in handy.
Jupiter - 3 (1 frank/2 almond)
Sun - 2 (1 frank/1 lemon)
Mercury - 2 (2 almond)
Venus - 1 (1 lemon)
Am I okay with this? Jupiter is my major contributor, thus Health is NUMBER 1. Success and movement tied for number 2 importance (I like that. I need some successful movement and since health is number 1 it will be healthy for Roo and I). Happiness comes in leading the back (again, I am okay with that. I like to have happiness at the end of the day).
For me, this blend would be incredible. I can name The Friesian Mafia should I choose (as that is what my fellow Friesian friends have called our group and made me a member of the 'mafia'...and no, you cannot sit with us LOL(Mean Girls Quote)). The name is irrelevant, it is the action of the oil that creates the energy through alchemy.
That is your lesson for today. That is how I did the apothecary at Panpipes and that is how I do Babylon Gardens Apothecary and that is why I really do not see us with as a competitor in any market to be honest but rather just a traditional and real alchemy apothecary that reaches out beyond magickal foundation oils such as Come to Me, Healing, etc. Although, I do that too.
The fest is in 2 days and I must finish the fest and prep BGA for travel.
and every other site in my about me section.
Blessings to you and your travels.
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